TAP Associate Getting Started Guide

Step 1: Getting Started in the Tap Program

When you are enrolled into the Tap Program, you will receive the following 2 emails.
1.  Tap Merchandising email comes from DoNotReply@sbiteam.com
2.  VOLT Certification email comes from WalmartSupport@voltsystems.net
Follow the instructions in those emails to confirm your email address, create your password and start the Volt Certification.

See our Getting Started videos for VOLT and TAP Merchandising.

Additional Help:
VOLT Certification Troubleshooting
I can’t log in: I get Invalid Username or Password

Step 2: Download the Tap Merchandising and WMT VOLT apps

You will need to download 2 apps to your phone. When you open the apps you will need to log in with your email address as your username and the password you created.

Additional Help
Supported Phones or Tablets
Recommended Phones

To download the Apps to your iPhone:
Tap Merchandising

To download the Apps to your Android phone:
Tap Merchandising

Step 3: Using the Tap App for everyday store visits

You will use the Tap Merchandising app for timekeeping and to complete tasks. You will use the VOLT app to record your time in the Walmart store.

Additional Help
Tap and VOLT Basic User Guide
Tap Associate Responsibilities
Video: Timekeeping in Tap Merchandising