Store Hours Allocation – Tutorial

Store Hours Allocation is available in the Merchandising Portal

This tool allows you to set planned visit hours week by week, and allocate those hours store by store.
Each store can be given hours independently, and mass update feature is provided for allocating hours to many stores at once.
Once your hours are planned and allocated, store visits can be more easily and confidently scheduled.

1. Visit the Merchandising Portal from SBI Platform Home, and select “Store Hours”:

Navigate to Platform Home, then to the Merchandising Portal, then to Store Hours

You will be redirected to the Store Hours Page:

Default Store Hours Screen

2. Find stores to see how hours are distributed:

You can expand all from a column head menu, by default columns are collapsed.

Expand all in the table head menu

3. Add and remove week columns by selecting from the week drop-down:

Multiple years are available – be sure to select the current year.

Use the weeks drop-down to add and remove week columns

4. Set planned hours for the week:

Set planned hours for a week by clicking a "Planned" button

5. Select a week from the “Summary” tab, or go to the “Edit” tab to add hours to stores:

Click a week to edit it, or go to the Edit tab

Allocating hours can be done individually per store…

On the edit page, you can navigate to different weeks and allocate hours to stores

Or many stores with “Mass Update”

Check off the stores you wish to mass update and click the Mass Update button

Add weekday and weekend hours to be added to each storeEach checked store will receive those hours

6. Don’t forget to save! Saving can be done at the bottom right of the screen.

Don't forget to save